About Me

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Life happens. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. This is an exploration of life and all that interests me. I am a therapist working in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. I'm fascinated in the world around me and how people deal with and relate to it. I like to further my knowledge of people, psychology and more. Please join me on my journey.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

sweet dreams

I was talking to a friend who was recently bothered by very noisy neighbours. Their sleep was disturbed for over a week and they had been finding themselves listening out at certain times after having been woken repeatedly. Even a tiny noise would then become a big irritant. My friend said it was challenging being woken and having their body clock forced to fit someone else's. They had tried a few different things to get off to sleep, none which were really having an effect. I've given them some ideas for zoning out and to help them feel more in control of the situation and we'll see how they get on.

Sleep disturbance is one of the areas that I help people with, so if you are interested do give me a call or email for more information.

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