About Me

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Life happens. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. This is an exploration of life and all that interests me. I am a therapist working in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. I'm fascinated in the world around me and how people deal with and relate to it. I like to further my knowledge of people, psychology and more. Please join me on my journey.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Choices, mistakes and pain - what do you gain? A few minutes of your time :)

Forgiving yourself is something needing to be done before you can forgive others. That's something I once read and it always stuck with me! 

If you continue to carry a burden of guilt or hurt around it can make it a challenge to genuinely forgive other people when they have hurt or upset you. The time when you say 'I truly forgive myself' (and believe it) is when forgiveness becomes an open doorway to freedom. It opens up to all sorts of possiblity, colour and lightness, without the restricted vision of guilt, hurt or pain.  

If your path to forgiveness seems blocked, you can definitely start to clear it and move towards freedom. Take one small step a day or even once a week to learning about any guilt, fear or anger that you are holding. What did holding onto it do for you in the past? How does it serve you now? Was it a habit or a choice? Allow time to reflect on thoughts without over-analysing. This should be a brief process of a few minutes. The more you do it in small steps, the easier it can become to see clearer what works for you now, and perhaps what old ways of thinking are best left behind. Particularly if they leave you hurt, angry, guilty or sad.    


Twitter: angie_therapist
Facebook: Angie Giles Hypnotherapy

About the Author: Angie works as a hypnotherapist, counsellor and coach at the Norfolk Clinic Complementary Healthcare Clinic, 38-40 Magdalen Road, Norwich. 
Call Norfolk Clinic reception on 01603 660792 or Angie directly on 07773 610816. She loves helping other people achieve their potential at work ,life and find greater happiness using a range of therapeutic techniques.

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