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Life happens. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. This is an exploration of life and all that interests me. I am a therapist working in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. I'm fascinated in the world around me and how people deal with and relate to it. I like to further my knowledge of people, psychology and more. Please join me on my journey.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Big Brother does good

UK Department of Health campaign funding
Governments, and businesses for that matter, sometimes make a mistake.  Then, though not suggesting it was a mistake, backtrack and decide to change their decision discreetly, referring to a 'temporary freeze'. In this 'thaw', news that award funding for Change4Life, Smoke free, help for older people and also targeting youth is the name of the game.  
Since the public advertising for several campaigns was pulled, there were reductions in people visiting the sites (and very expensive to the public purse they were too). Reductions to 'hits' on those sites have yet to be proven as a direct measure of increases to the number of people who are smoking, overweight, drug taking, elderly and requiring help or the young, who need someone to turn to for advice. All these online services lead to other helpful resources.
However, I've been doing my own low key 'survey' and from people I talk to, those online sites aren't fully explored or known - even with the last campaign. I've looked and think some are excellent. Change 4 Life, which also has a useful C4Life links page, has some great ideas for families who want to make changes.  
FRANK is great both for those wanting to know more about drugs and their impacts and by those affected by drug-taking or families or friends who want help.   
Smokefree website - I have a few reservations with it (those who know me well can probably guess what), though some of it is excellent. It has some useful information for anyone making that big decision to quit.
A good bit of news for a step towards the positive wellbeing of the nation. Big Brother gets a thumbs up from me today!     

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