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Life happens. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. This is an exploration of life and all that interests me. I am a therapist working in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. I'm fascinated in the world around me and how people deal with and relate to it. I like to further my knowledge of people, psychology and more. Please join me on my journey.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Its the second New Year this year!

Whether intrigued by Horoscopes or not, there are various kinds that exist throughout the world. Today is the start of the Chinese New Year (in China's time zone it would seem), it is the year of the Dragon.

The details of what this means in full I will leave to the experts in their field (the internet is full of explanations too).  It is said that depending on year, month, day and time of birth, you are born under the sign of either a rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. In China many of these are traditionally considered powerful and important creatures. Within the horoscopes each has a particular character and quality relating to the five elements.

I think all of us have qualities and characteristics that we sometimes forget to cherish. Particularly when times are hard and if we look for other people to remind us how great we are. In the wonderful sterile world of social networking we tend to look outside of ourselves and think that other people have got it made, they are the happy ones, they are the lucky ones. 

This Chinese New Year, the year of the Dragon, signifies luck. How lucky do you feel at the moment, how thankful too?

Right now, yes now in this very moment, I am feeling lucky. At this moment I have a lot to be feel lucky for and to be thankful for. I have somewhere to live. I have a roof over my head. I eat regular meals and can be warm. I am just about feeling lucky that my messy desk needs sorting out, and lucky that I have accounting to be done. I feel very lucky that I have client preparation to do. I'm lucky and thankful for the noisy birds that are outside my window too.  I am lucky that I can do things that make me feel happy. 
I'm lucky I can write this blog article. Even making a cup of tea just the way I like it makes me feel lucky. 

I questioned in my mind what luck was sometime ago. Looking at luck in a different way. It hasn't changed me completely, I'm still me. 
I still read the horoscopes, I still quite enjoy them. According to my Chinese Horoscope 2012 is a very positive year for me. Funny that, I was feeling it in my bones, before I had even read the horoscope.    

PS, I found this image of a cake toppper item on Etsy and I thought it very pretty so shared it with you!

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